Attending college is a wonderful experience, but it can also be extremely challenging. Take advantage of all the programs and resources the university has to offer. Join interest groups; use the career center; utilize the library, consider the Study Abroad Program. Don't lose focus - always remember why you are there and try to maintain the highest academic performance. But also manage to have some fun. And if you plan to continue your education - graduate school, law school, medical school, etc. don't take a breakā¦ it takes a long time to come back once you stop. Also be careful and responsible.
Being an EOP student provided me with a support system that I would not have otherwise had. Having counselors to assist me and guide me in my decisions was very beneficial. There were also times when I just needed to talk to someone and I could always go to my EOP advisor. Their experience, understanding, and expertise made life easier for me.
Being a college graduate is like a special privilege. It puts you ahead of the rest. It shows people that you were able to start something and complete it. It gives you an advantage in the job market and for advancement. It demands a certain level of respect. It gives you confidence to know that you can do anything you set your mind to.
Being elected to the Associated Students Legislative council as a Representative at Large. It enhanced my leadership abilities and my effectiveness in communication, advocacy, and prioritizing. It also gave me an opportunity to represent minority students and issues, as well as the student body as a whole.
Don't be a quitter and don't forget where you came from. Everyone may not be as fortunate as you to be able to attend college, but don't look down on those whose lives took them down a different path. Just know that it is your hard work, determination, and perseverance that will get you through to the end. College is a really unique time in your life, one you will remember for ever, so try to get the most out of the whole overall experience. And try not to do anything that you will regret.