2024-2025 EOP Peer Mentors and Student Staff

Students Empowering Students

EOP is proud of its peer program model, as it was the first program of its kind at UCSB. Our Mentors go through intensive training to assist and empower students to make an academically and socially successful transition to University life. EOP Mentors are dynamic student leaders from various class levels, academic interests and career goals. They are involved with campus life, student organizations and other support services.

Mentors are assigned to incoming students and maintain contact on a regular basis throughout the academic year. They hold office hours and coordinate programs in the Residence Halls and the Cultural Resource Centers.

African diasporic Cultural Resource Center (AdCRC)


American Indian and Indigenous Cultural Resource Center (AIICRC)

Asian Resource Center (ARC)

Chicanx/Latinx Cultural Resource Center (CLCRC) & El Centro


Middle Eastern, North African, South Asian Resource Center (MENASARC)


Student Staff

Resident Hall Mentors

Scholar's Program Mentors


Transfer Student Peer Mentors


Office Assistants, Lead, and Media
