The AS/EOP Grant funds are to be used to meet unusual educationally-related expenses that are incurred by regularly enrolled student members of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). Eligibility criteria must be met in order to qualify for the grant. To be eligible a student must meet the following 3 criteria:
- a student must be an EOP member
- a student must be enrolled at least half time
- a student must have need-based financial aid (e.g., Pell grant, Cal Grant, etc).
EOP follows the by-laws of the Associated Students of UCSB in this process. Students can schedule an appointment with a Peer Mentor to discuss eligibility, possible eligible expenses, and required documentation to apply. Please gather and have your original and itemized receipts at the time of meeting as documentation of expenses are required. Once a student is ready to apply, they can make an appointment to meet with an EOP counselor. During the appointment the counselor will review eligibility, documentation, application requirements and support the student in completing the application. Appointments may be scheduled on our Staff Page, by calling (805) 893-4758, or at the front desk in the Student Resource Building, SRB Suite 2210.
Eligible expenses covered by the AS/EOP Grant (click to expand)
Only those costs that are in excess of the financial aid allowance for medical and dental expenses will be met by the AS/EOP Grant (e.g., eye glasses, medically necessary contact lenses, and other expenses not covered under the student health insurance plan).
(e.g., CBEST, GRE, GMAT, MCAT & LSAT) grants are available only after documentation has been submitted which indicates that a waiver of such a fee is not possible.
Grants to Offset Graduate/Professional Program Application Fees (with a maximum of five applications) will be granted only if the student can provide documentation that indicates that a waiver of such a fee is not possible or that it has been denied.
Grants to fund graduate preparatory exam (e.g., CBEST, GRE, GMAT, MCAT & LSAT), workshops and programs to help a student prepare for the exam.
(including laptops): Grants for textbooks and/or supplies related to the student’s attendance at UCSB are permitted in the event of lost, damaged or stolen. Documentation of items being lost, damaged or stolen (e.g. police report, Resident Assistant confirmation, landlord confirmation), proof of purchase, and course syllabus must be submitted. Students whose expenses for textbooks exceed the financial aid budgeted allowance will be referred to the Office of Financial Aid for additional consideration and submission of the "Student Request for Budget Increase."
Grants to fund expenses for attending academic and research conference and academic memberships. Expenses are limited to conference registration and airline travel. These students may also seek funding from other A.S. sources (including Finance and Business), if applicable.
Are available to meet transportation expenses incurred due to the death or severe illness of an immediate family member and/or for housing rental costs in the event of a financial emergency resulting from an eviction notice or evidence of other unusual and/or extenuating circumstances.
Grants for expenses associated with catastrophic events relating to a state of emergency event declared by federal, state, or local government (e.g. wildfires, major earthquakes, debris slide/mudslides, pandemics).
Pages 30-32 of the Associated Students Legal Code lists the criteria for the AS/EOP Grant.