AdCRC Peer Mentor
Major(s) and Minor (if any)*
Biology with a black studies minor
If you are a first-generation and/or income-eligible student, what has your experience been like at UCSB?
It has been a little challenging but I wouldn’t say more difficult than any other student entering college.
What would you like to share with students about your experience at UCSB?
The students here are so welcoming! This is a collaborative community which makes for an amazing learning environment. Once you find your people, the journey is beautiful and flies by.
Top tips for fellow students? (Study tips, self care hacks, fav resources on campus, etc)
Use CLAS!! A lifesaver for many of the STEM courses I’ve taken. Also go to office hours, it isn’t as scary as it seems.
Best advice you've received that has helped you at UCSB.
Use your resources because they’re here for you to take advantage of.
Why did you choose to be an EOP peer mentor/office assistant?
I wanted to make first generation students like myself be able to navigate their resources more easily!