Resident Hall Peer Mentor
Major(s) and Minor (if any)
Data Science & Statistics
If you are a first-generation and/or income-eligible student, what has your experience been like at UCSB?
It was a huge adjustment for me moving away from home as a first generation student, I had to adjust myself academic wise and also socially. Meeting new people was not easy, but I learned that it was necessary to put myself out there.
What would you like to share with students about your experience at UCSB?
My first year experience was definitely a one of a kind experience, moving away from home and having to adjust my lifestyle by myself was something that I believe helped me grow as an individual.
Top tips for fellow students? (Study tips, self care hacks, fav resources on campus, etc)
I would advise students to try multiple different study methods and places in order to find what works best for them because everyone is different. I would also strongly advise using resources such as CLAS because they helped me several times through different classes with their tutorial groups and drop in session.
Best advice you've received that has helped you at UCSB.
The best advice I have received that helped me was that it’s okay to fail and be confused, not everyone gets it on the first try.
Why did you choose to be an EOP peer mentor/office assistant?
I chose to be an EOP peer mentor because I hope to be the person that people can come to and feel comfortable asking questions about whatever they might be confused about, or just someone to confide in.