Scholar's Program Peer Mentor
Major(s) and Minor (if any)
Biopsychology and Spanish
If you are a first-generation and/or income-eligible student, what has your experience been like at UCSB?
As a first generation low income student coming into college has been a huge learning curve. At times I would compare myself to my peers with different backgrounds and all it did was tear me down. Luckily my roommate has been a huge support and her having a similar mindset, background and goals has helped me over come some challenges and has gave me someone to talk to about everything :)
What would you like to share with students about your experience at UCSB?
I have just completed my first year and I have loved it. The STEM courses have been very challenging and required a lot of time dedicated for them but it was worth it in the end. Connecting with other first generation student has been so nice because it reminds me that i'm never alone and many people are in the same boat as me.
Top tips for fellow students? (Study tips, self care hacks, fav resources on campus, etc)
Some of my top tips are to make friends in your classes, find an organization you are interested in and attend meetings, and if you are struggling in a classes go to CLAS or the professor office hours they want to help you! Also Google calendar will be your best friend!!
Best advice you've received that has helped you at UCSB.
The best advise I have received is not to be afraid to ask for help and reach out to people. Once I started implementing this I noticed a huge difference in my academic performance as well as how I felt overall.
Why did you choose to be an EOP peer mentor/office assistant?
I choose to be an EOP peer mentor to help other students feel a sense of community at UCSB like I have and be a support system for anyone who might need it!